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Friedel Grant

Short CV

Friedel Grant is Senior Communications Advisor at LIBER, Europe’s largest network of research libraries. With nearly 20 years of communications and engagement experience, Friedel knows the importance of producing material which is clear, concise and useful. She loves cutting through jargon to make key messages shine and has a knack for creating many types of content, from factsheets and reports to infographics, videos and webinars.
Through all of her work, Friedel believes in the power of community and loves collaborating with LIBER’s network to make a plan come together.She believes that everyone should have full and equal access to knowledge, and is proud to contribute to the work libraries are doing in this area through her role at LIBER.
Before joining LIBER, Friedel worked as a journalist for the Financial Times and Reuters and on Europeana’s Communications & Marketing team.Friedel holds a Masters in International Journalism from City University, and is working towards a Masters in Corporate Communications at Erasmus University.

About Workshop

Title: Making EOSC Training more FAIR


17th September, 1st part (14:00), 2nd part (16:30)

See full programme here.