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OpenAIRE-CONNECT: co-design workshop with research communities


OpenAIRE-CONNECT: co-design workshop with research communities

Organised by OpenAIRE

Sept 20, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST


Research infrastructures, research communities, and their members. The user base of existing OpenAIRE community gateways will be invited to the workshop, which is anyway open to any interested person

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities Training and skills for open science

OpenAIRE, Open science practices, Open Science toolkit, community building

Participants will learn about the different and common needs of research communities and infrastructures in terms of support for the implementation and uptake of Open Science practices. As output of the workshop, participants will define the high-level roadmap for the next releases of the OpenAIRE gateways, helping CONNECT to get even closer to the RCs and RIs and the gateways at becoming a more user-friendly and effective entry point to Open Science for researchers.

OpenAIRE offers a number of services and tools for the effective implementation of Open Science practices. With CONNECT, OpenAIRE engages with research communities (RCs) and infrastructures (RIs), delivering customised Open Science gateways to lower the barriers that hinder the adoption of Open Science practices and to support community building and strengthening. Each gateway is an Open Science toolkit that includes a customizable discovery portal, with which communities can interact via a web interface or API, tools to support reporting (e.g. to funders) and track the uptake of Open Science practices.

With this workshop, the (actual and potential) users of the gateways will gather together with the CONNECT product manager and key members of the technical team to discuss ideas, requirements and improvements to different aspects of the Open Science gateways such as GUI elements, user experience, content (documentation, best practices), integrated services (both OpenAIRE and community-specific services).

After a brief presentation of CONNECT and other relevant OpenAIRE services, the participants will be actively engaged in brain-storming and co-design sessions with the support of online collaborative tools (e.g., Trello, Miro or similar).

The workshop is an opportunity for research communities to learn about their different needs in terms of support for the implementation and uptake of Open Science practices, for example by identifying (i) common challenges; (ii) strategic actions that can be applied at the communication, training and technical level; (iii) domain-specific barriers to Open Science that can be addressed with the help of OpenAIRE. As output of the workshop, participants will define the high-level roadmap for the next releases of the OpenAIRE gateways, helping to strengthen the connection and cooperation between OpenAIRE, RCs, and RIs and improving the effectiveness of the gateways as entry points to Open Science for researchers


5’ Introduction and warm up

10’ Open Science: discussions with the audience on barriers and priorities in research communities

10’ OpenAIRE CONNECT and community gateways: an Open Science toolkit for research communities. Features and known gaps (presentation and demo)

10’ Brainstorming with the audience: the “good” and the “bad” of the OpenAIRE gateways for research communities (with the support of online tool)

45’ Co-design sessions (with the support of online tool) focusing on: 

  • Access to community content about Open Science (e.g. training material and best practices)
  • Integration with other OpenAIRE services and products (e.g. API, dumps, Argos, Amnesia)
  • Integration with/link to community services (community/project web portal, community data analysis services, community forum, etc.)
  • Using the gateway functionality (“Link”, “Deposit”, “Search”)
  • Gateway content selection criteria

10’ Wrap up and draft of the high-level roadmap (with the support of online tool)


  • Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI
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  • André Manuel Monteiro Vieira, University of Minho
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  • Miriam Baglioni, CNR-ISTI
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  • Argiro Kokogiannaki, Athena Research Center
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  • Paolo Manghi, OpenAIRE
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Sept 20

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The European Open Science Cloud - Priorities, ideas and resources for the Implementation phase of EOSC


The European Open Science Cloud - Priorities, ideas and resources for the Implementation phase of EOSC

Organised by EOSC Association

Sept 21, 09.30 - 11.00 CEST


researchers, research Infrastructures and research communities, repository managers, libraries, service providers and innovators, organisations interested or already engaging with or contributing to EOSC

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities
Training and skills for open science
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data

EOSC, co-creation, strategy, community building

The learning outcomes of the workshop will be: 

  • Topics and priorities of the EOSC Advisory Groups and Task Forces
  • Contribute to the AGs and TFs
  • Through collaborative discussion, understand existing resources and strategic priorities from the OS Fair community

This interactive session is organised by the EOSC Association and will provide information on the vision and priorities of the Implementation Phase of the European Open Science Cloud. It will also gather information on new ideas and resources coming from the OS Fair participants that can contribute directly to the newly set up EOSC Advisory Groups and their Task Forces.

The EOSC Association represents a single voice for the advocacy and representation of the broader EOSC Stakeholder community in Europe, promoting alignment of EU research policy and priorities. A key role of the Association is to continuously develop the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) which will influence future EOSC activities at institutional, national and EU level (including the EOSC-related work programmes in Horizon Europe). This living document will adapt to the changing EOSC ecosystem and the needs of EOSC stakeholders.

To achieve this, the Association has set up a series of Advisory Groups (AG) with Task Forces (TF) to engage with the EOSC community around priority areas which will be discussed.

EOSC Directors and TF coordinators will first present the charters and remit for each TF. Then we’ll be holding an open discussion, inviting participants to contribute directly to a pooling of ideas, current activities or resources that could contribute or be of interest to the TFs. We’re also interested in your concerns and priorities – what do you not see covered by the TFs or feel is a gap in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. In the end we’ll be summarizing the main advice, resources and outcomes of each in a final panel session.


9:30-9:50 – Introduction to the Task Forces - Sarah Jones, EOSC Association Director [presentation]

9:50-10:15 – Introductions to the EOSC Task Forces

  • Implementation of EOSC AG – Britta Dreyer, PID Policy and Implementation Task Force Coordinator
  • Technical challenges on EOSC AG – Ignacio Blanquer, EOSC Association Director [presentation]
  • Metadata and Data Quality AG – Sarah Jones, EOSC Association Director
  • Research careers and curricula AG – Gustav Nilsonne, Research Careers, Recognition, and Credit Task Force Coordinator
  • Sustaining EOSC AG – Bob Jones, EOSC Association Director

10:15-11:00 – Moderated discussion with speakers on TF activities, useful resources and strategic gaps – Chair, Sarah Jones, EOSC Association Director


  • Sarah Jones, GEANT
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  • Britta Dreyer, PID Policy and Implementation Task Force Coordinator
  • Ignacio Blanquer, EOSC Association Director
  • Gustav Nilsonne, Research Careers, Recognition, and Credit Task Force Coordinator
  • Bob Jones, EOSC Association Director
  • Nick Ferguson, TRUST-IT
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  • Federico Drago, TRUST-IT
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Sept 21

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EOSC Core: implementation plan, expectations and contributions from different stakeholders


EOSC Core: implementation plan, expectations and contributions from different stakeholders

Organised by EOSC Future

Sept 22, 09.30 - 11.00 CEST


Researchers, research Infrastructures and research communities, repository managers, libraries, service providers and innovators, EOSC organizations.

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data
FAIR data policy and practice: from theory to implementation, National EOSC initiatives, Thematic Clouds, Rules of Participation in EOSC

EOSC, FAIR, interoperabilty, standards, federation, co-design

Learning outcomes of the workshop:

  • Expectations on the EOSC Core
  • Benefits of the EOSC Core
  • Potential contribution from the engaged organisations

The EOSC Future project will develop an environment with interoperable research outputs, including publications and code, as well as access to professional data services and resources such as compute,storage and preservation. It will federate existing research infrastructure in a ‘system of systems’ approach that will support European researchers in managing the entire lifecycle of data: from sharing, managing and exploiting their own data to discovering, re-using and recombining the data sets of others.

In particular, the EOSC Future project will support the establishment of the so-called EOSC Core. “The EOSC-Core provides the minimum functionality that is required to enable the federation of data and services across domains and countries. It supports FAIR data principles by providing the means to discover, share, access and reuse data and services. These elements address key technical, cultural and policy decisions of EOSC and they must be maintained over the long term” (SRIA v0.1).

This 90-minute workshop will provide an overview of EOSC Future’s plans for the implementation of a fully functional EOSC Core, highlighting how it could support and facilitate the daily work of researchers in the future. After an initial EOSC Future presentation on the EOSC Core, the workshop with continue with a panel discussion focusing on the following questions:

  • What will be the impact of the EOSC Core on national and international research infrastructures?
  • What are the needs and expectations of the research institutions (e.g libraries, repositories, universities, etc.)?
  • What role will the EOSC Core and the standards we adopt play in an international context?

The input collected during the workshop will be used by the EOSC Future project to collect requirements for the EOSC Core. The workshop will be also a way to establish direct collaboration channels with the above-mentioned stakeholders


  • 10´ Welcome and EOSC Future at a glance - Ron Dekker, EOSC Future Project Director
  • 20´(incl. 5´for questions) EOSC Future’s plans for the implementation of a fully functional EOSC-Core - Klaas Wierenga, GEANT & Co-chair of the EOSC Future Technical Collaboration Board [presentation]
  • Panel discussion moderated by Ron Dekker on the following topics:
    • How do you interpret the EOSC-Core and how can it help you from your community perspective?
    • How do you interpret the EOSC-Core and how can it help you from your organisational/institutional perspective?
    • What is the contribution that you / the community you represent can bring to the EOSC-Core?

Panelists: Rudolf Dimper, PaNOSC cluster representative in EOSC Future & IT advisor to the ESRF Directorate; Hilary Hanahoe, Secretary General, Research Data Alliance; Steven McEachern, Director of the Australian Data Archive, Australian National University; Natalia Manola, CEO, OpenAIRE; Jan Meijer, Senior advisor international strategy, Uninett AS; Klaas Wierenga, GEANT & Co-chair of the EOSC Future Technical Collaboration Board


  • Sara Garavelli, CSC-IT Center for Science
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  • Sarah Jones, GEANT
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Sept 22

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Channeling Open Science for a sustainable management of the ocean


Channeling Open Science for a sustainable management of the ocean

Organised by Blue-Cloud, FNS-Cloud, BE OPEN, Cos4Cloud

Sept 20, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST

3 Researchers, Policymakers, Research infrastructures, EOSC, Service providers, Citizen scientists

1 Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities Value added data products/services from open science Training and skills for open science European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data Citizen science: barriers and opportunities for collaboration

Ocean science, Sustainable Development, Blue economy

Experts, researchers and IT developers from the transport (BE OPEN) and food thematic (FNS-Cloud) clouds as well as ESFRIs and discipline projects and actors (Cos4Cloud and others) will be invited to discuss challenges and gaps of Open Science technological frameworks where to tackle cross-disciplinary research aspects, raising from management and mining of nutrition data from fisheries and aquaculture, environmental data, data coming from the transport and mobility sector, energy sector or tourism.

The workshop wishes to contribute to the further development of discussions and collaborations in Open Science towards a better management of the ocean, in the context of European and international initiatives such as the EU Green Deal, the UN Ocean Decade, the Belém and Galway Statements and the SDGs.

As demonstrated by the requirements of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, Open Science has become a fundamental aspect of research across all disciplines. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative is a crucial part of this commitment and will link scientific communities, infrastructures, institutions, projects in Europe and beyond, ensuring that research data and results can be accessed, reused, combined to better tackle grand societal challenges.

This need for strengthening OS principles and practices is also reflected in a range of long-term initiatives in specific domains, such as the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development launched by the UN this year. One of its goals is to bring about “a transparent ocean with open access to data, information and technologies”.

The H2020 project Blue-Cloud sails between these two currents, as the envisioned thematic entry point to EOSC for the ocean science community, strengthening and promoting OS culture in the marine domain by federating existing infrastructures and developing collaborative tools for research.

Ocean science has tight connections with a range of overlapping domains, increasingly involved in the EOSC ecosystem and with each other via joint use cases and successful collaborations. In this workshop, we are bringing together perspectives on Open Science and its future development towards contributing to a better management of the ocean, in the context of European and international initiatives such as the Green Deal or the SDGs.


5' Welcome & introduction, Sara Pittonet Gaiarin 

30' Channeling Open Science for a sustainable management of the ocean: best practices and collaboration opportunities

  • A transport Observatory for Promoting Open Science. Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, CERTH and BE-OPEN
  • Food Nutrition Security (FNS)-Cloud, Siân Astley, EuroFIR (BE)
  • Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy.  Dick Schaap, Maris and Blue-Cloud
  • Co-designed citizen observatories for the EOSC. Karen Soacha, ICM-CSIC and Cos4Cloud

 7' pitch session from each speaker including brief introduction of the projects, best practices in the Open Science and collaboration opportunities among the projects

50' Challenges and gaps of Open Science technological frameworks

Moderated Panel discussion with open poll questions (moderator: Sara Pittonet Gaiarin)

  • Dick Schaap, MARIS (Blue-Cloud),
  • Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, CERTH (BE OPEN),
  • Siân Astley, EuroFIR & Karl Presser Premotec (FNS-Cloud),
  • Karen Soacha & Jaume Piera, ICM-CSIC (Cos4Cloud),
  • Iván Rodero, EMSO ERIC (Cos4Cloud)

5' Wrap-up and closure, Sara Pittonet Gaiarin


  • Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Trust-IT Services (Blue-Cloud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @BlueCloudEU
    • LinkedIn
  • Dick Schaap, Maris (Blue-Cloud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @BlueCloudEU
    • LinkedIn
  • Karen Soacha, ICM-CSIC (Cos4Cloud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @Cos4Cloud
    • LinkedIn
    • Instagram
  • Jaume Piera, ICM-CSIC (Cos4Cloud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @Cos4Cloud
    • LinkedIn
    • Instagram
  • Ivan Rodero, EMSO ERIC (Cos4Coud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @Cos4Cloud
    • LinkedIn
    • Instagram
  • Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, CERTH (BE OPEN)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Siân Astley, EuroFIR (FNS-Cloud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Karl Presser, Premotec (FNS-Cloud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @FNSCloudEU
  • Federico Drago, Trust-IT Services (Blue-Cloud)
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @BlueCloudEU
    • LinkedIn

Sept 20

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Speaking FAIR implementation: moving from recommendations to supporting practical implementation by service providers


Speaking FAIR implementation: moving from recommendations to supporting practical implementation by service providers

Organised by NI4OS-Europe & FAIRsFAIR

Sept 21, 09.30 - 11.00 CEST


primarily service providers and research communities; researchers

FAIR data policy and practice: from theory to implementation, RDM best practices, Sharing best practices and knowledge

Research Data Management, Metadata, Semantics, FAIR implementation, Research Data services

After the session, service providers will have a better understanding of how they are expected to respond to FAIR demands according to the type of service that they operate. Also, several research communities and researchers will learn about new services and how far these are in the process of FAIR implementation. Furthermore they will be introduced to the work on FAIR Semantics in order to understand the types of requirements and activities recommended by the FAIRsFAIR project for enabling I3 of the FAIR principles. 

Semantic artefacts are important aspects of the FAIR principles and therefore the EOSC, which is being designed to enable them: EOSC as the “Web of FAIR data”. Since the FAIR principles were published, recommendations for the compliance of researchers have been articulated in various guides. Training is also offered by actors, such as OpenAIRE, RDA, and CODATA. Recently, discussions have shifted focus to the role of Research Infrastructures and Service Providers to address actions needed for enabling the FAIRness of data. Considering that services handle data as input and/or output in their workflows.

This session is coordinated by NI4OS-Europe, in collaboration with FAIRsFAIR. NI4OS-Europe will highlight an activity to strengthen capacity of stakeholders to enable aspects of the FAIR principles which are most closely related to metadata and ontologies. Similarly FAIRsFAIR will present its work in this area.

NI4OS-Europe Group of Experts: established to contribute to NI4OS-Europe activities via training and focused group discussions. The aim is to articulate best practices for FAIR implementation and provide a pathway on integrations and/or alterations that are necessary for enhancing existing services or new services that are onboarded to EOSC via the NI4OS-Europe pre-production environment. This collaboration contributes to maximizing compliance with the FAIR principles as well as offering experts the possibility of onboarding their services via NI4OS-Europe.

The FAIRsFAIR “FAIR Semantics” Task: aims to support the creation of a federated semantic space by harmonising practices in the development and usage of semantics in representing and describing information and knowledge. It establishes guidelines for practitioners, repositories, the community, and related stakeholders. The FAIR Semantics recommendations consist of 17 Preliminary Recommendations related to the FAIR principles, and 14 Best Practices aimed at harmonising the approach to handling, using and developing semantic artefacts.

There will be presentations and discussions with Service providers, Researchers, Research Communities.


Welcome from the Director of NI4OS Europe - Eleni Toli, University of Athens / ATHENA [presentation]

Agenda & brief intro to the topic - Gerard Coen, DANS  [presentation]

Let’s speak! Mentimeter sessionElli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE / ATHENA [presentation]

FAIRsFAIR “Recommendations for FAIR Semantics” - Gerard Coen, DANS [presentation]

“NI4OS-Europe: servicing the service providers” - Andreas Athenodorou, CYI [presentation]

Presentations from the NI4OS Semantics Expert Group:

  • ‘A semantic knowledge integration framework for interdisciplinary research communities’ - Valentina Vassalo, CYI [presentation]
  • ‘FAIR semantics a case study’ at the University of Debrecen - Ádám, Száldobágyi, University of Debrecen [presentation]
Q&A with Mentimeter - Elli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE / ATHENA



  • Eleni Toli, ATHENA RC / OpenAIRE & NI4OS-Europe
    • @elentoli
  • Gerard Coen, DANS / FAIRsFAIR
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Elli Papadopoulou, ATHENA RC / OpenAIRE & NI4OS-Europe
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    • @elli_lib
  • Andreas Athenodorou, CYI / NI4OS-Europe
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  • Valentina Vassalo, CYI / NI4OS-Europe
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  • Adam Szaldobagyi, University of Debrecen/ NI4OS-Europe
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Sept 21

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Citizen Science - open science challenges and opportunities for collaboration


Citizen Science - open science challenges and opportunities for collaboration.

Sept 22, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST


3 Researcher communities; citizen scientists; ESFRIs and other research infrastructures; EOSC organizations

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data Citizen science: barriers and opportunities for collaboration

Citizen Science, EOSC, FAIR data

Familiarity with standards and best practices in citizen science across a variety of academic domains.

Many science facilities are now providing open access to their data, making them findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. By far the widest constituency of data users and contributors is the science-inclined public, for whom citizen science is the natural mode of engagement. However, 'citizen science' means different things to different communities. For some it means co-creation of research projects, while for others it means volunteer contributions to data collection or data mining being run by experts. Both approaches require dialogue and debate between the public volunteers and professionals.

This workshop will explore the best practices from these radically different approaches in different disciplines, the common challenges encountered, and lessons learned. Our focus will be on practicalities and live demonstrations. We will begin with short plenary presentations from experienced stakeholders in citizen science across many disciplines, from biological sciences and ecology to archaeology and the humanities to astronomy and physics. We will invite short technical presentations on the citizen science functionalities being developed (or still aspirational) in the European Open Science Cloud by research infrastructure clusters and e-infrastructures. This will be followed by engaging live demonstrations, then we will convene a lively panel discussion on lessons learned and best practices. In parallel, and in real time, recommendations will be collated into a live document of conclusions and recommendations, which will be submitted shortly after the workshop to a suitable journal and published under green or gold open access.




  • Maria Alvez Vicente, University of Leiden
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  • Janice Ansine, The Open University & Cos4Cloud
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  • Manolis Chaniotakis, Ellinogermaniki Agogi
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  • Margaret Gold, University of Leiden
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  • Gary Hemming, European Gravitational Observatory & REINFORCE technical manager
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  • Stavros Katsanevas, European Gravitational Observatory & REINFORCE lead
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  • Francesco Osimanti, Trust-IT
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  • Pedro Russo, University of Leiden
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  • Stephen Serjeant, The Open University & ESCAPE citizen science lead
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  • Francesca Spagnuolo, European Gravitational Observatory & REINFORCE project officer
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Sept 22

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Applying FAIR principles to open science and industry to drive innovation: challenges and opportunities


Applying FAIR principles to open science and industry to drive innovation: challenges and opportunities

Organised by OntoCommons

Sept 22, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST


Data managers, applied researchers (e.g., industrial applications) and open science researchers, ontologists/knowledge engineers who are looking for guidance towards making their data FAIR, members of various ontology-based standardisation projects

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data
FAIR data policy and practice: from theory to implementation

FAIR principles, FAIRness assessment, FAIR in practice

Learning outcomes of the workshop:

  • FAIR principles
  • FAIRness assessment 
  • Implementation challenges
  • Best practices

FAIR principles provide a unique framework for creating a machine actionable data management environment supporting Open Science and Open data but also data and information exchange within organizations such as industries. In this session, we aim at discussing the theory and practice of implementing FAIR Principles for applied science and industrial research. The workshop is a meeting point for OntoCommons (, an EU Horizon 2020 project that aims to improve the state of the art in ontology data documentation in science and industry, and several key initiatives focusing on FAIR (such as GOFAIR, FAIRsFAIR, FairSharing) and the Open Science community. Through this workshop we aim at gathering inputs and suggestions for implementing FAIR and Open Science/Data from the Open Science community. We will briefly introduce key general projects and initiatives related to FAIR, the ongoing work in OntoCommons and discuss how OntoCommons can leverage their work to support a better integration of FAIR principles into current and forthcoming industrial demonstrators including Open Science demonstrators.


A glimpse to the FAIR initiative/projects landscape

16:30 - 16:40

FAIRsFAIR perspective, Hanna Koivula (CSS) [presentation]

16:40 - 16:55

FAIR in practice: FAIRsharing and the FAIR Cookbook, Allyson Lister (University of Oxford), Anna Assunta Sansone (University of Oxford) [presentation]

OntoCommons and FAIR principles

16:55 - 17:10

Evaluating FAIRness in OntoCommons, Yann Le Franc (e-Science Data Factory), Anna Fensel (University of Innsbruck), Umutcan Simsek (University of Innsbruck) [presentation]

Implementing FAIR: practical examples from the OntoCommons project

17:10 - 17:20

An industrial demonstrator, Sebastian Scholze (ATB), Ana Correia (ATB) [presentation]

17:20 - 17:30

Driving Industrial Innovation with Open Science, Martin Horsch (HLRS) [presentation]

Interactive session: What should we do to foster FAIR implementation and Open Science in industry?

17:30 - 18:00

Moderator: Yann Le Franc  (e-Science Data Factory)


  • Yann Le Franc
  • Anna Fensel
  • Rita Giuffrida
  • Umutcan Simsek

Sept 22

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Let’s discuss about FAIRifying OS policies


Let’s discuss about FAIRifying OS policies

Organised by EOSCINFRA-5b Policy Task Force

Sept 22, 09.30 - 11.00 CEST


Policymakers, members of transnational collaborations and international research communities

Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data

Open Science Policies, IPR and GDPR, International collaborations

By the end of the workshop a top five, of key open science policy recommendations will be produced.

The development and alignment of policies relating to Open Science (OS) are crucial for the successful implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Currently, a multitude of policies exist at various levels (national, funding body, publisher and organisational). Among these, there are observable differences in the expectations on researchers around data management planning, data handling, and data accessibility. The lack of harmonisation across these policies causes confusion among those who need to comply with them, limit cross institutional data use and can hinder rather support uptake of Open Science practices. For example, there are great variations in how data protection and intellectual property are addressed and there could be legal consequences that a researcher in an international collaboration may need to be aware of. To avoid difficulties, the content of the policies themselves needs to be made FAIR to enable clear comparison by both human and machines. Several INFRAEOSC projects have been working to develop recommendations to facilitate policy alignment across the European Research Area with the ultimate aim of realising the EOSC vision. In this workshop, organised by the InfraEOSC-5 Task Force on National Policies and Governance, we will introduce some of the practical recommendations relating to the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of OS policies and work to collectively draft a set of “5 key actions towards common open science policies”. This workshop is targeted toward policymakers and members of transnational collaborations at all levels and aims to foster the emergence of a community of practice that can help put the 5 key actions into practice.


Introduction Jos van Wezel / EOSCsecretariat, KIT/DE) [presentation]


Use cases from transnational experiments Brian Matthews (ExPaNDS, STFC/UK) [presentation]


Data management planning Joy Davidson (FAIRsFAIR, DCC/UK) [presentation]


PIDs Michal Ruzicka (EOSC Synergy, Masaryk University/CZ) [presentation]

Mentimeter poll: vote on the priority of the actions


Legal aspects of policies for data protection Elektra Sifakaki (NI4OS-Europe, AthenaRC/GR), Ilias Papastamatiou (NI4OS-Europe, GRNET/GR) [presentation]


Intellectual property rights of research products Nadina Fogetti (EOSC-Pillar, CNR/IT), Catarina Sganga (EOSC-Pillar, Scuola Superiore, Sant’Anna/IT) [presentation]

Mentimeter poll: vote on the priority of the actions


Discussion on the results Moderators and Audience


Mentimeter poll: your choice of action


Conclusions and closing remarks Jos van Wezel





  • Jos van Wezel, KIT
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Valentino Cavalli, EGI
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @v1cavalli
  • Joy Davidson, DCC, HATII
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @jd162a
  • Sara Garavelli, CSC
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @saragaravelli
  • Brian Matthews, STFC
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @bmm42
  • Dale Robertson, JISC
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @robertsonrdale
  • Caterina Sganga, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Nadina Foggetti, INFN
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Elektra Sifakaki, ATHENA RC
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @electrasif
  • Ilias Papastamatiou, GRNET
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • @ipapastamatiou

Sept 22

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What if all the author needed to cite was a DMP? Towards a machine-actionable vision for DMPs and DAS


What if all the author needed to cite was a DMP? Towards a machine-actionable vision for DMPs and DAS

Organised by OpenAIRE++

Sept 22, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST


Research Funders, Publishers, Service providers, Researchers

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities

Data Availability Statements, Data Management Plans, Research Data Management Lifecycles, Research Outcomes

During the session, attendees / participants will be able to identify the points needed in both DMPs and DAS and work towards addressing them. The session is expected to:

  • From the session presentations and feedback, develop an initial checklist/roadmap of the top items to address/work on as a community to improve DMPs/DAS
  • Produce a whitepaper/website/paper from the roadmap/checklist of higher-level DMP/DAS points to communicate to the research scholarly community and address together

Data Management Plans (DMPs) and Data Availability Statements (DAS) provide context on activities and outcomes in Research Data Management Lifecycles (RDMLs) and encompass different aspects of the scholarly communication process. On the one hand, DMPs ensure researchers’ compliance with research funding and research organizations’ requirements, to carefully manage and appropriately share research data and outputs. On the other hand, DAS are integrated into scientific publishers' workflows to promote the availability of their publications’ underlying research data and outputs. Efforts are underway to standardize the structure and content of DMPs and DAS at both technical and policy levels. In this session you will hear from four key stakeholder groups regarding their approaches towards addressing challenges and opportunities in DMPs and DAS:

  • Dutch Research Council (NWO) - Champions research data management policy alignment with research funders in Europe. One of the first organizations to implement Science Europe core requirements for DMPs, NWO actively promotes these requirements to other stakeholders. 
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Advances data/software sharing policies and approaches in publishing through a broad coalition of partners and stakeholders. Beginning with its position statement on data (1997), AGU continues to improve its guidance and move towards machine-actionable DAS and research articles.
  • Research Data Alliance (RDA) DMP Common Standards Working Group (WG) – Develops a community-wide information model, as well as specifications and access mechanisms for machine-actionable DMPs (maDMPs). The WG recently released its maDMP recommendations for fostering greater collaboration, integration, and automation of maDMPs across research workflows.
  • Argos - An open extensible service through OpenAire that simplifies the management, validation, monitoring and maintenance of DMPs. Argos constructs DMPs as machine-actionable outputs that are also shared through Zenodo according to Open and FAIR practices. Furthermore, the Argos paradigm inspires discussions and solutions towards the automation, linking, and machine-actionability of DAS and DMPs.


A funder's perspective on DMPs - Maria Cruz, Dutch Research Council [presentation]

Open Research at AGU and Wiley - Christopher Erdmann, American Geophysical Union and Hannah Smith, Wiley [presentation]

Citing machine-actionable DMPs – How can we make it work? - Tomasz Miksa, TU Wien & SBA Research [presentation]

Argos: How tools can facilitate our DMP discussions - Elli Papadopoulou, ATHENA Research and Innovation Center / OpenAIRE [presentation



  • Christopher Erdmann, American Geophysical Union
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • ORCID
  • Elli Papadopoulou, ATHENA Research and Innovation Center / OpenAIRE
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • ORCID
  • Hannah Smith, Wiley
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • ORCID
  • Maria Cruz, Dutch Research Council
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • ORCID
  • Tomasz Miksa, TU Wien & SBA Research
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • ORCID

Sept 22

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The RDM training & support catalogue landscape


The RDM training & support catalogue landscape

Sept 21, 09.30 - 11.00 CEST


The session will be of interest to those working in research support, infrastructure development - in particular related to the EOSC-, library staff, data stewards, as well as anyone involved in train-the-trainer activities.

Interdisciplinary collaborations : Networks, services, methods
Training and skills for open science

Research Data Management, Catalogues, Train-the-trainer, Semantic interoperability, Capacity building

Learning objectives:

  • Participants are aware of catalogues that have been developed.
  • Catalogues have exchanged experiences and best practices on standards and rules of participation and have identified the challenges
  • Possible actions to tackle these challenges and to increase interaction have been identified

RDM training and support has been identified as a major challenge in many organisations. Increasingly resources are invested in data steward teams to take up the task of training researchers. Naturally data stewards must also be trained to take up the job at hand. Many materials are produced to support professional development and train-the-trainer activities for researchers, data stewards and others involved in enabling FAIR and Open research. Many European funded projects have developed catalogues or intend to do so, sometimes with a particular discipline or profile in mind. They each have their peculiarities but encounter similar challenges and decisions to make. In the EOSC context a catalogue of catalogues has been proposed by the Training and Skills WG, to improve FAIRness of training materials. Building on two previous events organised by INFRAEOSC-5 projects, and ongoing collaboration with the Research Data Alliance (RDA) interest group on Education and Training in Handling Research Data (IGETHRD), this workshop will help consolidate further steps to improve sustainability of catalogues, and their technical and semantic interoperability. In this workshop we aim to describe and compare several catalogues developed. We will investigate solutions to interact and we will formulate advice on how to proceed in the future to sustainably catalogue the training resources needed for researchers and data stewards to make digital research objects that are FAIR and open'.


9.30 - 9.40       Welcome by the Community of Practice for training coordinators by Iryna Kuchma, EIFL [presentation]

9.40 - 10.00     Updates and introductions:

  • RDA IG ETHRD minimal metadata learning resources  focus group by Elizabeth Newbold, STFC [presentation]
  • Terms4FAIRskills by Laura Molloy, CODATA and Allyson Lister, University of Oxford [presentation]
  • Two minute madness on catalogues: 
    • EOSC Pillar by Paula Oset Garcia, Ghent University [presentation]
    • SSHOC Training Discovery Toolkit by Ellen Leenarts, DANS [presentation]
    • Dariah Campus by Vicky Garnett, DARIAH [presentation]
    • ELIXIR TeSS by Celia van Gelder, DTL [presentation]
    • EOSC Future by Lucia Vaira, LifeWatch ERIC [presentation]

10.00 - 10.55               Challenges and discussions:

  • Controlled vocabularies
  • Data model            
  • Curation process
  • Sustainability

10.55 – 11.00              Wrap-up


  • Elizabeth Newbold, STFC
  • Allyson Lister, University of Oxford, FAIRsharing
    • @allysonlister
    • @OpenAIRE_eu
  • Laura Molloy, CODATA
    • @LM_HATII
    • @CODATANews
  • Paula Oset Garcia, Ghent University Library (Contributor)
  • Ellen Leenarts, DANS
    • @EllenLeen
    • @dans_knaw_nwo
  • Vicky Garnett, DARIAH
    • @Vickstar79
    • @DARIAHeu
  • Celia van Gelder, DTL/ELIXIR-NL
    • @celia_vgelder
    • @DTL_nl
  • Lucia Vaira, LifeWatch ERIC
  • Iryna Kuchma, EIFL/OpenAIRE
    • @irynakuchma
    • @OpenAIRE_eu

Sept 21

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