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Sept 21, 18.00 CEST
Sept 22, 12.30 CEST


Policy makers and funders, researchers, research Infrastructures and research communities, repository managers, publishers and content providers

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Legal aspects of open science; GDPR and IPR exploitation, RDM best practices
Training and skills for open science, Sustaining open science training: people, resources, governance

data anonymization, k-anonymity, km-anonymity

Amnesia is a flexible, user-friendly, free, and open-source data anonymization tool. Specifically, Amnesia transforms relational and transactional data to anonymized datasets where formal privacy guarantees hold by (1) removing direct identifiers (names, SSNs, etc.) and (2) transforming secondary identifiers (birth dates, zip codes, etc.).

The key idea regarding data anonymization is that identifying information is removed from the published data by presenting identifying information in an obscure or generalized way so that sensitive information cannot be connected to a person. Hence, a significant challenge is to provide the best trade-off between privacy guarantee strength and anonymized data quality. Amnesia supports k-anonymity and km-anonymity, two formal privacy guarantees which facilitate Open Access without compromising user privacy.

The Amnesia tool is available both as an online service and a local application focusing on enabling users to understand, tailor and guide the anonymization processes while exploring the quality of the anonymized data. The latest version of the tool (Amnesia 1.2.6) introduces a significant API upgrade comprising additional internal functions exposed as ReST services that allow more precise control on the anonymization engine (Amnesia API documentation link here).


Manolis Terrovitis, IMSI ATHENA RC
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  • @AmnesiaTool

Sept 21, Sept 22

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The Blue-Cloud technical framework: Data Discovery and Access Service and Virtual Labs to enhance collaborative Open Science in marine research


The Blue-Cloud technical framework: Data Discovery and Access Service and Virtual Labs to enhance collaborative Open Science in marine research.

Sept 21, 12.30 CEST
Sept 22, 18.00 CEST



Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders

Collaborative platforms for all research artifacts, Interoperability across domains and services, Local and global collaborations: people and networks, Research analytics and visualizations, Text and data mining for/from research, Thematic Clouds

Data discovery and access, Datasets, Virtual Research Environment, EOSC, Ocean

Blue-Cloud is the thematic EOSC for the marine domain, delivering a collaborative virtual environment to enhance FAIR and Open Science, underpinned by simplified access to an unprecedented wealth of marine data resources and interoperable added-value services and products.
Blue-Cloud federates leading European marine data infrastructures and e-infrastructures, allowing researchers to combine, reuse, and share quality data across disciplines and countries.
The federation takes place at the levels of data resources, computing resources and analytical service resources. A Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access Service (DDAS) is developed to facilitate sharing with users of multidisciplinary datasets. A Blue Cloud-Virtual Research Environment (VRE) was established to enable the sharing of computing and analytical services for specific applications.
The DDAS architecture is based upon a combination of the GeoDab metadata broker service of CNR-IIA, and the SeaDataNet CDI service modules as developed by MARIS, IFREMER, and EUDAT. The overall concept is that the DDAS harvests metadata from the data infrastructures federated in Blue-Cloud by means of protocols such as CSW or OAI-PMH, providing discovery and access to users through a user-friendly interface.
The VRE is developed by the Italian National Research Council (CNR), built on the D4Science infrastructure and the gCube open source technology. Services include Data Analytics (Data Miner, Software and Algorithms Importer (SAI), RStudio, JupyterHub), Spatial Data Infrastructure to store, discover, access, and manage vectorial and raster georeferenced datasets, and services and components enabling users to document and then either share with selected colleagues or make available online any generated product (e.g. analytical methods, workflows, processes, notebooks). Being enriched with automatically generated provenance metadata, those products enable reusability, repeatability and reproducibility and promote Open Science.
In this demo, we will explain how to access and use these services, which are open for testing to researchers from all domains of ocean science.


  • Peter Thijsse, MARIS
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  • Pasquale Pagano, CNR-ISTI
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  • Massimiliano Assante, CNR-ISTI
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Sept 21, Sept 22

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Open Science Observatory


Open Science Observatory

Sept 21, 18.00 CEST
Sept 22, 12.30 CEST


Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders

Open metrics infrastructures: how to combine, what is next?, Research analytics and visualizations

open science, monitoring, observatory, policy, practices

The Open Science Observatory presents a collection of indicators and visualizations that help interested stakeholders (policy makers and research administrators among others) better understand the Open Science landscape in Europe across countries. The platform assists the monitoring, and consequently the enhancing, of open science policy uptake across different dimensions of interest, revealing weak spots and hidden potential. Based on the OpenAIRE Research Graph, following open science principles and an evidence-based approach, the indicators can be used to provide timely and reliable insights on the evolution of open science in Europe and assist in promoting good practices. The Open Science Observatory is available at


  • Open Science Observatory - Ioanna Grypari, Athena Research Center [presentation]
  • Q&A


  • Ioanna Grypari, Athena Research Center
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  • Stefania Martziou, Athena Research Center
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  • Natalia Manola, Athena Research Center
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  • Antonis Lempesis, Athena Research Center
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Sept 21, Sept 22

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OpenScienceLens - Exploring Open Science in the browser


OpenScienceLens - Exploring Open Science in the browser

Sept 21, 18.00 CEST
Sept 22, 12.30 CEST


Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders

Innovations in publishing and research dissemination, Research analytics and visualizations

Open Science Information Access, Persistent Identifiers, OpenAIRE Graph

OpenScienceLens is new tool, that allows users to easily locate, visualize and explore information of relevance to Open Science. When browsing on the web, or science-oriented web pages, OpenScienceLens locates elements of relevance (e.g. DOIs) and subsequently retrieves and presents information residing on OpenAIRE in a non-disrupting, comprehensive manner. Additionally, Open Science Lens allows science-related site owners, such as repositories, publishers, libraries etc., to embed curated information in their offerings, enriching user experience with easy-to-consume features, coming directly from a flagship infrastructure of Open Science.

To deliver those, OpenScienceLens exploits on one hand the modern rich APIs of OpenAIRE infrastructure, while on the other, builds on common web browser and web technologies assuring the widest reach of its offering. It is built both as a browser plugin and as a page enhancing technology. The demo will showcase both approaches, highlighting the benefits to the stakeholders, for each one.

OpenScienceLens is a strong instrument for promoting, strengthening and utilizing Open Science outputs, bringing them closer to researchers and citizens, making access to them friendlier and direct. Furthermore, it showcases a value-added service proposition, with a strong sustainability potential that

The demo will:
- Show use of OpenScienceLens and information on Open Science artifacts, such as datasets and publications and all the relationships behind those and their production chain (projects, organizations, researchers etc), is delivered directly to user’s browser, without the need to dig for it.
- Present OpenScienceLens integrated into a repository’s, publisher’ or library’s web offering, building a rich user experience for visitors, by on-the-fly aggregating information residing in OpenAIRE space.


  • Georgios Kakaletris, Communication & Information Technologies Experts ΑΕ (CITE)
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    • WEB
  • Georgios Papanikos, Communication & Information Technologies Experts ΑΕ (CITE)
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    • WEB

Sept 21, Sept 22

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Enhancing research through quality resources: the EOSC Portal experience for providers


Enhancing research through quality resources: the EOSC Portal experience for providers.

Sept 21, 12.30 CEST
Sept 22, 18.00 CEST


Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders

Collaborative platforms for all research artifacts, FAIR data policy and practice: from theory to implementation, Innovations in publishing and research dissemination, Interoperability across domains and services, Rules of Participation in EOSC

EOSC Portal, Resource onboarding, Interoperability, Research resources

The EOSC Portal is part of the EOSC implementation roadmap as one of the expected “federating core” services contributing to the implementation of the “Access and interface” action line. It has been conceived to provide a European delivery channel connecting the demand-side and the supply-side of EOSC and its different stakeholders.
The EOSC Portal is a gateway to information and resources in EOSC, providing updates on its governance and players, the projects contributing to its realisation, funding opportunities for EOSC stakeholders, relevant European and national policies, documents, and recent developments.
The Portal welcomes the participation of providers that contribute to develop EOSC into a rich environment offering a wide range of services and resources for researchers.
EOSC will become Europe’s virtual environment for all researchers to store, manage, analyse and re-use data for research, innovation and educational purposes. EOSC is intended to set off the ground by federating existing scientific data infrastructures and digital infrastructures for data exploitation that are now spread across disciplines and EU member states. This will make access to scientific data and other scientific outputs easier and more efficient.
Onboarding and maintaining quality resources for research on the EOSC Portal is a great chance for providers to reach out to researchers across Europe and beyond. Providers receive support in the onboarding process, visibility on an evolving platform, updated statistics about usage and user feedback.
The demo given by the EOSC Enhance team will showcase how a provider can successfully complete their registration and first onboarding, as well as manage the dashboard and its main functionalities.


  • Jorge Sanchez, JNP
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  • George Papastefanatos, University of Athens
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  • Athanasia Spiliotopoulou, JNP
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  • Antonis Zervas, JNP
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Sept 21, Sept 22

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The user experience in EOSC Portal: How to access and use resources through the Marketplace


The user experience in EOSC Portal: How to access and use resources through the Marketplace.

Sept 21, 18.00 CEST
Sept 22, 12.30 CEST


Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders

Collaborative platforms for all research artifacts, Infrastructures and services for citizen science, Interoperability across domains and services, Rules of Participation in EOSC

EOSC Portal, User experience, Research resources

The EOSC Portal is a building block of the EOSC implementation roadmap, representing one of the expected “federating core” services contributing to the implementation of the “Access and interface” action line. It has been conceived to provide a European delivery channel connecting the demand-side and the supply-side of EOSC and its different stakeholders.
The EOSC Portal is a gateway to information and resources in EOSC, providing updates on its governance and players, the projects contributing to its realisation, funding opportunities for EOSC stakeholders, relevant European and national policies, documents, and recent developments. The EOSC Portal Catalogue & Marketplace acts as an entry point to the multitude of services and resources for researchers.
The Marketplace is an integrated platform that allows easy access to resources from top European providers for various research domains along with integrated data analytics tools.
This demo will offer an overview of the user experience, improved within the EOSC Enhance project, and a tutorial on how to use the main features and functionalities to exploit a growing number of resources available to researchers.


Andrzej Bacz, Cyfronet
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Sept 21, Sept 22

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Elevating DMP workflows with Argos: what it means for you


Elevating DMP workflows with Argos: what it means for you

Sept 21, 12.30 CEST
Sept 22, 18.00 CEST


Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders

Policy makers and funders
Policy makers and funders

data management plans, research data, research workflows, machine actionable

Planning Research Data Management (RDM) activities is crucial as it effectively lays the foundations for successful research conduct according to RTD best practices and requirements as well as it leads to validated and quality research outcomes at the end of the scientific project / endeavour. Data Management Plans (DMPs) implement RDM policies and describe the activities, means and effort needed to manage data generated, collected and / or re-used by researchers. Moreover, they are seen as outputs that address data reproducibility issues, continuously updated with new data as “living documents” of ongoing research. Hence, DMPs have rapidly entered Research Data Management Lifecycles (RDML), included at the beginning of the research process, and have been standardized in structure and content to be easily adoptable by funders, institutions and research communities. Following the scientific demand, unravels the necessity for flexible and action-capable tools to deal with data management plans that enable research links and information contextualization while also steering compliance with the FAIR data concept.

The demo is about Argos, OpenAIRE’s machine actionable DMP service, also available as an EOSC resource. Argos is a ready-to-use RDA compliant service for creating and publishing DMP outputs. It is hooked into the OpenAIRE ecosystem and interconnects with its underlying services and the Research Graph to offer maximum capabilities for metadata contextualisation, integration with diverse research workflows, and validation of input data comprising DMPs. The demo brings attention to the full DMP lifecycle supported by Argos and highlights the roles of both end-users and service administrators. It also communicates dataset profiles and configuration possibilities through use cases with different scientific stakeholders:

  • Research funders - e.g. Argos instance of the Horizon Europe template.
  • Research communities - Argos instance of Horizon 2020 template tailored to archaeological data (ARIADNEPlus).
  • Researchers - Argos for research projects.


  • Elli Papadopoulou, ATHENA Research and Innovation Center / OpenAIRE
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    • @OpenAIRE_eu
    • @elli_lib
  • George Kakaletris, Communication & Information Technologies Experts S.A.
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    • @gkakas

Sept 21, Sept 22

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DMPTool + RSpace: Integration between a data management plan and an open electronic notebook to enhance FAIR data capture and workflows


DMPTool + RSpace: Integration between a data management plan and an open electronic notebook to enhance FAIR data capture and workflows.

Sept 21, 18.00 CEST
Sept 22, 12.30 CEST


Policy makers and funders, researchers, research Infrastructures and research communities, repository managers, libraries, research administrators, service providers and innovators, EOSC organizations

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data

FAIR data, reproducibility, interoperability, research tools

We will demo the integration being developed by the California Digital Library and Research Space enabling bi-directional data flows between RSpace and DMPTool, facilitating higher quality and more comprehensive capture and tracking of research data throughout the research life cycle. Integrations between RSpace and repositories like Dataverse and Figshare enable subsequent direct deposit of the DMP and associated research data from RSpace into the repository.

Currently, data management plans (DMPs) operate as static projections of plans for data use and management. They are prepared for grant proposals, but once submitted rarely referred to thereafter. Data produced in the actual research usually varies significantly from what was envisioned in the DMP. Because it is hard to associate data actually produced with the DMP, the DMP’s usefulness to project researchers, funders, the public and broader research community is limited.

Efforts are underway to introduce ‘machine actionable’ elements into DMPs, so that they become dynamic and are better able to pass data and metadata from the DMP to other Research Data Management (RDM) tools, e.g., repositories. The integration between RSpace and DMPTool should be seen in the context of these efforts, but represents a major step beyond what has previously been contemplated.

In Phase 1 of the integration, recently completed, it is possible to link in RSpace to DMPs in DMPTool. Through existing RSpace repository integrations like Dataverse and Figshare, the DMP can then be included along with data created in connection with the project for direct deposit into repositories. By accessing these deposits, the broader research community, funders and the public can examine and compare the DMP and the research results.

We plan to extend the integration to other widely used DMP online tools running off the common DMP Roadmap codebase like DMPonline and DMP Assistant.


  • Welcome
  • Overview of machine-actionable DMPs/DMPTool - Maria Praetzellis, California Digital Library [presentation]
  • Electronic Lab Notebooks/RSpace - Rory Macneil, Research Space [presentation]
  • The new integrated workflow with the RSpace/DMPTool (video)
  • Q&A


  • Maria Praetzellis, California Digital Library
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  • Rory Macneil, Research Space
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Sept 21, Sept 22

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EOSC RoP, Data Management and Certification tools demonstration


EOSC RoP, Data Management and Certification tools demonstration

Sept 21, 12.30 CEST
Sept 22, 18.00 CEST


LCT: Researchers and research organisations
RePol: Repository owners, service providers in general, or any website owners
RoLECT: Researchers, research organisations and various services providers.

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities
Training and skills for open science
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data
Citizen science: barriers and opportunities for collaboration

EOSC RoP, IPR, Certification, ORDM, Licensing, Privacy Policy, FAIR, legal, ethics, compliance

The demo session will cover technical solutions developed by NI4OS-Europe partners to support the practices of EOSC stakeholders, including the global research community working in Open and FAIR ecosystems. Brief overviews for the tools realization will be provided while pointing out their significance in RDM workflows at both strategic/policy and practical implementation levels. The session is intended for an audience aware of research practices, the research lifecycle, EOSC resources onboarding, FAIR principles and will be particularly interesting for individuals dealing with EOSC RoP. The tools are:

  1. License Clearance Tool - LCT ( that ensures maximal re-use of derivative works. LCT facilitates and automates the clearance of research outputs' copyright before they are released under an open license and/or stored at a public and trusted FAIR-enabling repository. It provides a guided approach for establishing the proper open-source license required for derivative datasets, media, software etc. or for the reuse of unlicensed content. Target audience is mainly researchers and research organisations.
  2. Repository Policy Generator - RePOL ( that offers a guided approach to creating machine readable data repository policies and privacy policies. It uses a step-by-step wizard and predefined policy clauses formulated in line with the current best practice (FAIR, preservation, licensing, , privacy provisions, GDPR, etc.) Targets mainly repository owners and administrators, though generated privacy policies are suitable for any kind of service.
  3. EOSC RoP Legal & Ethics Compliance – RoLECT ( that offers scientific resource providers with an intuitive self-assessment against EOSC RoP. RoLECT prepares potential providers for their compliance with legal and ethical measures as required in the EOSC RoP, which they must meet as ‘EOSC providers’. Legal and ethics are two important RoP aspects that require particular focus due to their nature and associated difficulties and have not yet been addressed adequately from other FAIR-related tools.



  • Panagiota Koltsida, Athena Research Center


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  • Branko Marovic, University of Belgrade


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  • Marianna Katrakazi, Athena Research Center


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  • Christos Liatas, Athena Research Center
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    • @athenaRICinfo

Sept 21, Sept 22

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Open Access Toolkit for Books


Open Access Toolkit for Books

Sept 21, 12.30 CEST
Sept 22, 18.00 CEST


Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders

Competence centers: models, integration and coordination, Skills within the wider research context, Sustaining open science training: people, resources, governance

Open access, Books/monographs, Toolkit, Licensing, Funding, Peer review, OA business models, OA book publishing services

While open access (OA) book publishing is on the rise, a number of challenges persist, such as a lack of awareness and misconceptions about OA book publishing amongst authors. To help authors better understand OA for books and increase trust in OA book publishing, OAPEN has created a community governed, free-to-use online resource for book authors: The OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit. It was launched in October 2020 and has been adopted by authors, libraries, and research support teams across the Globe.

The toolkit provides reliable information, relevant both for researchers and those supporting researchers. It offers guidance at different stages of the research life cycle, such as planning and funding and publishing options.

This session will offer a tour through the toolkit showing how it works and zooming in on a few key topics like funding, quality assurance, licensing, and publishing services in the OA book publishing process.

The aim is that delegates will come away inspired and equipped to use the toolkit and/or to support authors in their own organisations.


Niels Stern, OAPEN Foundation
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Sept 21, Sept 22

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