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3 Panels presenting different perspectives of open science

An open science future: leading the way

Brings together policy makers at various levels of decision making to discuss in practical terms the challenges and opportunities of open science adoption and implementation they encounter, as well as the ones posed towards international cooperation specifically in line with Unesco’s recommendations for the global community.

Opening AI: the next open science frontier

Explores the boundaries of the openness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, and how it fits into the open science initiative. Legislation has attempted to tackle the problem in the context of introducing provisions that allow access to algorithms and their workings, such as in the case of the General Data Protection Regulation. Artificial Intelligence presents substantial issues of explicability, explainability and predictability and hence, transparency and accountability.

Of genes, seeds and data: The boundaries of property, the Ethics of openness

Explores the extent to which different forms of openness can return value to the communities from which they derive their data, content and code.

Increasingly we are sharing not just data on data centres, but also genome sequences, plant seeds and  even biomaterials. While data remains the core commons element, both the material carrier and the kinds of rights subsisting in our shared “content” changes: if twenty or thirty years ago we were wondering on the ethics of enclosure, now we are debating on the ethical boundaries of sharing.